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How to break the deadlock outdoor furniture for long-term development plan

Nine are building materials net introduction: With the pan-home industry's downturn, outdoor furniture is also facing a severe test. Into the consumer off-season, the industry more pressure, the supermarkets, pan-home brands in order to rescue the city have played a discount, jumping prices, 30% -70% of the daily price to ultra-low prices to attract customers, which not only consumers Questions about the price of water, even for people in the industry, there are many disadvantages and losses.
So outdoor furniture manufacturers in such circumstances should be how to break the deadlock and seek long-term development plan it is now 80 consumer groups dominated era, the prevalence of e-commerce model, outdoor furniture can be earned through online trading wheezing it In response to the above questions we conducted a series of market surveys and interviews.
"As outdoor furniture e-commerce sales model saves rent, labor costs, so online shop selling outdoor furniture prices lower than the store if you take the price for comparison, the traditional sales model is clearly not dominant." A brand of outdoor furniture Sales executives expressed their concerns.
Reporters were interviewed several random buyers are buying outdoor furniture that some middle-aged consumers are not able to accept online shopping outdoor furniture, "I think it is more comfortable to buy outdoor furniture stores, the Internet picture I am worried about distortion , After-sales service is not necessarily guaranteed. "A customer told reporters.
In an outdoor furniture experience museum, a pair of "80" couple in an interview with nine positive building materials network, said: "I think online shopping, offline sales experience model is very good.We usually love the Internet, in outdoor furniture Experiencing the museum to buy outdoor furniture, on the one hand to enjoy the preferential price of online shopping; the other hand, the scene can feel the texture of outdoor furniture. As long as the installation and maintenance services such as after-sales service to keep up, even outdoor furniture Museum of remote location We are also willing to come and see. "
In fact, outdoor furniture exhibition hall show outdoor furniture is very limited. Outdoor furniture, fashionable and diverse, but because of outdoor furniture experience hall venues area restrictions, only showcase some of the more popular series of outdoor furniture samples.
Double cracks survive in the market to be tested
In order to win good reputation and gain the trust of consumers, many outdoor furniture manufacturers that conduct e-commerce have to open up the offline market. This not only can prove the authenticity of online products, but also win the market. And also consider how to compress the rental costs of physical stores, in order to allow the saving money to consumers.
Insiders said that outdoor furniture industry in the field of e-commerce to win the market is not easy. In the outdoor furniture industry and e-commerce in the double cracks, outdoor furniture manufacturers in order to survive must make great efforts.
This reporter learned that, compared with the physical store, the use of e-commerce platform to sell outdoor furniture often make a price war. E-commerce platform outdoor furniture sales are not optimistic, with the exception of a few best-selling products, the sales of most products are few, better sales are mostly discount products. Merlot music business website is in the audience hit 2.8 discount, package logistics, send gifts ads, it won more customers.
Insiders said that simply to reduce sales or reduce profits or reduce profits is an immature performance, e-commerce must find its own sales model to expand its influence. Also insiders said that e-commerce will be the future trend of outdoor furniture products, the development of the inevitable trend of the development of outdoor furniture manufacturers, the traditional outdoor furniture industry into the era of e-commerce, not go away with the road to e-commerce, but How to make good use of e-commerce so as to ensure its long-term development while achieving effective growth?



Contact: Ben Du

Phone: 18038879691

Tel: 075722252817

Email: 191297949@qq.com

Add: No1.Shuntai Road,Longyong,Beijiao,Shunde,Foshan,