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China outdoor furniture industry case of historical change

In 2014, China's outdoor furniture industry entered into the ranks of "secondary reform" with China's home improvement industry and started the journey of transformation and upgrading. The meaning of this transformation and upgrading includes two levels: the transformation of the outdoor furniture industry itself and the transformation of outdoor furniture business.

In 2014, the outdoor furniture industry in China joined the domestic industry in China and entered the ranks of "secondary reform", embarking on the journey of transformation and upgrading. The meaning of this transformation and upgrading includes two levels: the transformation of the outdoor furniture industry itself and the transformation of outdoor furniture business. The former will shift from a traditional industry to a new life style business; the latter requires that in the "New World" of the Internet, outdoor furniture enterprises transform from traditional manufacturing enterprises and retail enterprises to service-oriented manufacturing or Retail companies, outdoor furniture product brands and commercial brands to become a clear positioning of the consumer brand. In order to explore the profound meaning, it must be from the entire Chinese furniture industry to make an analysis.
China's furniture industry, "two markets, two resources," the changes in 2013 China's furniture industry has trillion output value, the export volume of 53.06 billion U.S. dollars has become a huge industry, but further development has been the market and resources of the two Restrictions on the one hand.
First, from the market point of view
Although China's domestic demand market still has great potential space, the consumer groups and their needs have undergone fundamental changes. The current consumer groups in our country are dominated by the young generation after 1980. They have high standards of culture and aesthetic standards Taste, and has considerable spending power. More importantly, their lifestyle and consumption patterns have been very different from the older generation. Young people need individualized products that adapt to the modern way of life, requiring more convenient delivery methods and good after-sales service. Judging from the international market, the economic recovery in the United States is not stable. Europe has just emerged from the crisis. The uncertainty brought by Japan's Abenomics is still uncertain. China's traditional export market, the developed countries accounted for more than 60%, therefore, China's furniture exports in the next few years can not be as substantial growth in the past.
Second, from the resources point of view
China's timber resources have become heavily dependent on imports. Prices of temperate hardwood trees (10% -20%) have increased due to supply shortages and increased domestic demand in exporting countries. Tropical hardwoods, especially mahogany-based hardwoods, due to declining resources in exporting countries and environmental regulations Restrictions, limited exports, soaring prices (over 50% or even double). Although the output of wood-based panel in our country is huge, due to the bottleneck of its own quality and its application technology, it can not effectively make up for the shortage of solid wood resources in a short time. Therefore, China's solid wood furniture (including mahogany furniture) and wood furniture faces great resource pressure.
(A) how to promote the transformation of China's furniture industry:
1, see the Chinese furniture industry's domestic market potential
According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics on China's consumer goods market, the domestic consumption in the furniture market in 2013 was about 350 billion yuan, and the per capita annual consumption in the country was about 270 yuan. In 2013, the per capita disposable income of urban China was 26,955 yuan. China's per capita annual consumption of furniture accounts for about 1% of disposable income.
In 2013, China's GDP was 56.8845 trillion yuan and its per capita GDP was 42.557 million yuan. It is predicted by economic forecast that by 2020 China's GDP will be 94.6795 trillion yuan and its per capita GDP will be 72.1820 million yuan. If we look at the level of consumption in 2013, by 2020, China's per capita consumption of furniture can reach 1.7 times that of 2013, that is, in the next 6 years, the domestic consumption of China's furniture can be increased by 70%, which can reach about 6000 Billion level. It will surpass the U.S. domestic furniture spending now (in the United States in 2012, about 80 billion U.S. dollars). Such a huge potential market will certainly bring great opportunities for the furniture industry in our country.
2, "labor + technology + capital" intensive mode of production
In the late 1990s, the comparative advantages of the factors of production in various countries started to change. The new pattern of changes was that the economic development of various countries in the world had gradually shifted to a new stage of development determined by innovation and competitive advantage. Further, the real source of modern economic growth comes from the improvement of the factors of production and the allocation of resources. To this end, there are four basic conditions that determine the key to modern economic growth, Professor Harpman at Harvard University to sum it into four "I": Innovation, innovation, that promote technological innovation and progress; Independence, interdependence, Mainly refers to the impact of economic globalization and international trade on economic growth; Inequality, inequality, mainly refers to handle the relationship between economic growth and income distribution; Institution, system, that is, a stable political environment and institutional structure is also related to economic growth important.
It is worth noting that a series of transformations are under way in China's economic development: changing the mode of economic growth, enhancing the capability of independent innovation, deepening the reform of the system and opening up to the outside world. From the Chinese furniture industry, if the rapid globalization of the furniture industry in the past 10 years is the result of the pursuit of efficiency in capital, the future development will depend on the industry's ability to innovate from capital-driven to innovation-driven as competition intensifies.
It can be inferred that in addition to maintaining its original low-cost advantages, the furniture manufacturing enterprises in China will become the new competitive edge of China's furniture industry through "labor + technology + capital" intensive production. By increasing the added value of products and diversifying their designs, May become the focus of innovation in the furniture industry in China in the next ten years. Enterprises should also use the company's internal resources and market resources to improve innovation. External resources such as exhibitions, competitors, commercial customers and consumers. Internal resources include top management, research and development departments and employees.
(B) China's furniture industry restructuring and upgrading of the way is what:
1, to see the real problems in China's furniture industry
The real problem of China's furniture industry is that entrepreneurs have not enlightened the realization of modern thinking, lacked the entrepreneurial spirit and awareness of modern business ethics. They have not yet got the insight into the changes in the global economy and also learned and mastered the knowledge and experience of modern business management Very few, and so on. We are in urgent need of learning now, in urgent need of change, including our own changes.
2, China's furniture industry restructuring and upgrading of ways
First, going to production capacity is the primary way to transform and upgrade China's furniture industry
In 2014, the Chinese furniture industry will start to go to capacity-building. A considerable number of enterprises with low benefits and unscrupulous products will face bankruptcy or mergers. Most manufacturing enterprises will speed up their transformation and upgrading to realize the equipment and Management upgrade, reducing the use of labor; or even completely change the original business model; furniture retailers, whether willing or not, will have to combine with e-commerce. In short, starting from 2014, we will see profound changes in the entire industry, and this change will make the furniture industry in China develop healthierly in the direction of marketization and embark on the path of modernization.
Second, increase the added value of products and labor productivity
At present, China's economy is equivalent to one sixth of the total of the United States, Germany and Japan. However, its labor force is equivalent to three times the total sum of the three countries and its productivity is less than 6% of that of developed countries. The furniture industry is no exception. The higher of China's furniture enterprises is 25-35 thousand yuan / person · year, usually 15-20 million yuan / person · year; while the furniture industry in developed countries reaches 10-15 million dollars / person · year, which is our country's 5-6 times. On the other hand, the utilization of wood in the furniture industry in our country is 60% for large enterprises, 50% -55% for small and medium-sized enterprises, and 70% for internationally developed furniture industry. Therefore, the top priority for the upgrading of China's furniture industry is to increase labor productivity, reduce material consumption and thus reduce production costs.
Another important aspect of industrial upgrading is to increase the added value of the product. The added value of furniture products includes technical content and artistic content. The former demands to improve the level of processing equipment and processing technology, the utilization level of new materials, etc .; the latter requires to raise the design level. China's furniture design has always been the bottleneck of the development of the industry. To improve the ability of design innovation, we must have innovative design with independent intellectual property rights, rather than blindly "copy" and "follow suit." At the present stage, in the low-end products, starting from the practical aesthetics, designed with a certain aesthetic value, cost-effective products to meet the needs of the public; in high-end products, the future of modern style, design stylish, with Higher aesthetic value of products to meet the needs of high-end consumer.
Industrial upgrading is to increase labor productivity and added value of products, rather than the transformation to the pursuit of "high-end industries." We should base ourselves on the furniture industry, make full use of information technology and high-tech, and transform the traditional mode of production. We should establish our own furniture culture system, explore the heritage of the oriental culture, integrate Western culture and creatively establish our modern furniture design. right way.
Third, to achieve transformation and transformation of furniture professional market, to achieve diversified furniture sales
The most important thing about the inherent defects of the furniture professional market is to realize the transformation and transformation from commercial real estate to retail as soon as possible and invest in the marketing technology which is the most important production factor in the furniture retail industry. This transformational transformation will significantly reduce the "transaction costs" in furniture sales, thereby benefiting consumers as well as the endogenous growth of the furniture retail industry.
On the other hand, the personalized demand for furniture has become the trend of consumption, so furniture sales must be diversified. Should expand the furniture sales channels in many ways, so that all forms of furniture retail model bloom, cultivating an independent and powerful furniture retail industry, to achieve strong manufacturing side by side and become the two wings to take-off to the modern. With the information technology based on Internet revolution, e-commerce will inevitably become one of the main ways of retailing. Furniture e-commerce sales mode will become a smooth sale channel.
In general, the furniture industry in our country is facing extremely complicated economic situations and external crises. Uncertainty in the international market is increasing, and the trade barriers and non-trade barriers in developed countries are increasingly increasing. Due to the macro-control of the domestic market, markets have emerged In the meantime, the price of domestic labor continues to rise, the prices of raw and auxiliary materials have risen, the cost of production has risen sharply, and unfavorable factors in production and in the market have been on the increase.
The transformation and upgrading of the modern furniture industry in our country is imminent, and the only way to solve the problem of "going to production". Its path can be summarized as:
1, eliminate some backward production capacity to optimize the allocation of resources throughout the industry;
2. To improve labor productivity and added value of existing factories so as to achieve industrial transformation and upgrading; 3. To improve China's furniture retail industry and expand sales channels so as to turn the potential demand of domestic consumption into "effective demand"; through the prosperity of the market Digestion capacity.



Contact: Ben Du

Phone: 18038879691

Tel: 075722252817

Email: 191297949@qq.com

Add: No1.Shuntai Road,Longyong,Beijiao,Shunde,Foshan,